Christmas Tree Rental F.A.Q.
What is the duration of an Oncor Christmas tree rental?
Oncor Christmas tree rentals can be started at any time from the beginning of October and terminated at any time before the end of January. The listed price covers a rental for any length of time up to 4 months, including same day, within the time range.
Can the Christmas tree rental be kept permanently?
The Christmas tree may be purchased and a credit of the full amount of the Christmas tree rental cost will be applied to the order price.
Are Oncor Christmas tree rentals available for residences?
Apart from commercial uses, a limited number of Oncor Christmas tree rentals are reserved each year for residential rentals.
What is the delivery requirement for a Christmas tree rental?
For any delivery where parking will be difficult, a surcharge may be applied or the booking request declined. This will be communicated prior to any appointment confirmation.
What are the cancellation terms for a Christmas tree rental?
No refunds are allowed after a Christmas tree is set up. There is a 10% fee for cancellation 24 hours after an appointment booking is confirmed. An appointment may be cancelled for a 25% fee within the first 30 minutes on site.
Are rentals available outside the service area or for multiple tree rentals?
For any booking requests outside our standard service area or for a rental of more than 2 trees, please email us for a quote.